john 8:32
Jesus, my Lord, You are the Truth
Jesus, my Lord, You are the Way
My dear Lord Jesus, You are the Life
And I know, Your truth rings true
Oh Jesus, Your Truth rings true
Jesus, my Lord, You made me free
Jesus, my Lord, You show the way
My dear Lord Jesus, You light up my world
And I know, Your Truth rings true
You are wholly holy
I’m wholly devoted to You
I know the Truth has made me free
And I praise Your holy name
Because Your Truth rings true
You are I Am
And I am amazed by Your wondrous love for me
Despite my incredible lack of faith
Here I remain
Seeking, and day by day I find
Your Truth rings true
Jesus, my Lord, You died for me
Jesus, my sweet Lord, You paid the price for me
My dear Lord Jesus, You gave up Your life
And I know, Your Truth rings true
You are wholly holy
I’m wholly devoted to You
I know the Truth has made me free
And I praise Your holy name
Because Your Truth rings true
You are wholly holy
I’m wholly devoted to You
I know the Truth has made me free
And I praise Your holy name
Because Your Truth rings true
©2020 Gregg Hill · ISRC: US-L8H-20-00008 · ℗2020 9am worship